Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Monthly Recap: November 2021

I should probably apologize for going AWOL for an entire month — and missing Dell's wonderful Girl Week blogathon — but I know that I'm going to be as inactive in December so there really is no point in that. 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Monthly Recap: October 2021

As you may have noticed, I haven't been very active the past month. I even stopped joining the Thursday Movie Picks series because I'm an all or nothing type of person and since I missed the second Thursday I thought it'd be fitting to stop completely. My goal this year was to join every single week so since I failed, why not fail big? 

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Halloween Edition: School

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

If you are not new to the series, then you already know the month of October is horror-themed. This year we are kicking it off with movies set in schools, and I'm going with the first three movies that came to my mind. 

Friday, 1 October 2021

Monthly Recap: September 2021

I'm thinking of ending things. And by "ending things" I mean stop blogging as I yet again find myself not enjoying writing on it anymore. Even the weekly Thursday Movie Picks series, which I always loved doing, has become somewhat of a burden, a chore I have to do each week and that it's bringing me very little joy.